In .ispc file using pthread generates errors as follows: (1) t.ispc:2:13: Error: Illegal to return a "varying" or vector type from exported function "matrix_mult_pl" export void * matrix_mult_pl( void *arg )
(2) t.ispc:2:36: Error: Varying pointer type parameter "arg" is illegal in an exported function. export void * matrix_mult_pl( void *arg )
(3) t.ispc:6:11: Error: syntax error, unexpected 'int'. tid = *(int *)(arg); // get the thread ID assigned sequentially. ^^^
and many more errors. Coder is attached below. Kindly look into the issue of using pthreads in ISPC.
threads.c file/**
* Thread routine.
* Each thread works on a portion of the 'matrix1'.
* The start and end of the portion depend on the 'arg' which
* is the ID assigned to threads sequentially.
void * matrix_mult_pl( void *arg )
int rows, cols, j, tid, portion_size, row_start, row_end;
tid = *(int *)(arg); // get the thread ID assigned sequentially.
portion_size = size / num_threads;
row_start = tid * portion_size;
row_end = (tid+1) * portion_size;
for (rows = row_start; rows < row_end; ++rows) { // hold row index of 'matrix1'
for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) { // hold column index of 'matrix2'
// hold value of a cell
/* one pass to sum the multiplications of corresponding cells
in the row vector and column vector. */
for(cols=0; cols<size; cols++) {
result_pl[ rows ][ cols ] += matrix1[ rows ][ j ] * matrix2[ j ][ cols ];
threads.ispc file
export void * matrix_mult_pl( void *arg )
int rows, cols, j, tid, portion_size, row_start, row_end;
tid = *(int *)(arg); // get the thread ID assigned sequentially.
portion_size = size / num_threads;
row_start = tid * portion_size;
row_end = (tid+1) * portion_size;
for (rows = row_start; rows < row_end; ++rows) { // hold row index of 'matrix1'
for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) { // hold column index of 'matrix2'
// hold value of a cell
/* one pass to sum the multiplications of corresponding cells
in the row vector and column vector. */
for(cols=0; cols<size; cols++) {
result_pl[ rows ][ cols ] += matrix1[ rows ][ j ] * matrix2[ j ][ cols ];
Why is ISPC file not vectorizing the execution with parallelization by pthreads?
The problem you're having is because ISPC defaults to varying
type. int x = 0
is the same as varying int x = 0
. This applies to pointer types as well void *arg
as void varying * uniform arg
and you can't have varying types in exported functions. When porting and first getting started with ISPC it's best to be explicit with uniform
and varying