I have implemented this approach on my angular app and login/registration are working.
Now I wish to add a function to run OnInit when my custome registration/login components are initialized.
Specifically I wish to use/inject
into my child components (LoginComponent and RegistrationComponent) because they all derive from NbLoginComponent and NbRegisterComponent respectively
Here is my register.component.ts
export class NgxRegisterComponent extends NbRegisterComponent {}
Here is my NbRegisterComponent
export declare class NbRegisterComponent {
service: NbAuthService,
options: {},
cd: ChangeDetectorRef,
router: Router);
register(): void;
getConfigValue(key: string): any;
static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<NbRegisterComponent>;
static ɵcmp: ɵngcc0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<NbRegisterComponent, "nb-register", never, {}, {}, never>;
I am stuck in that I cannot use Injector on NbRegisterComponent because the constructor wont accept any properties, not arguments.
Also, I tried declaring protected members in NbRegisterComponent and added it to the constructor
protected myService : MyService
Then in the child class, RegisterComponent, I added the properties to constructor's and Super()'s arguments but the injected properties were all null/undefined.
Any help would go a long way.
In the child component I added a list of providers for all the objects/properties needed like
providers: [
{provide: VisitsService, useClass : VisitsService},
Here after in the constructor of the child component I appended the @Inject() function as
@Inject(ActivatedRoute)activateRoute : ActivatedRoute,
@Inject(VisitsService) protected visitService: VisitsService,
Now everything works.
Oh! remember the parent components also injected these properties to its constructor and the order of arguments matters.