I have 2 tables. report_id
is PK. animals_in_area
doesn't have a PK key.
I need to check is an animal_id
in the animal_report
by given report_id
and report_date
It seems like a simple task, but can I somehow describe a field Set<Integer> adimalIds
in the animal_report
class, mapped to the requested area?
I tried @ElementCollection
+ @CollectionTable
, but it automatically maps report_id
to area_id
, because of @Id
@CollectionTable(name = "animals_in_area", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "area_id"))
@Column(name = "animal_id")
private Set<Integer> adimalIds = new HashSet<>();
I want to use criteriaBuilder.isMember(animalIdRequest, adimalIds)
in DTO.
What is the classic way? Join and get Set ?
animal_report animals_in_area
--------------------------------- -------------------
report_id | report_date | area_id area_id | animal_id
--------------------------------- -------------------
1 | 01.01.2020 | 100 100 | 1001
2 | 01.01.2020 | 101 100 | 1002
100 | 1003
..... 101 | 1002
101 | 1004
@Table(name = "animal_report")
public class AnimalReport implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "report_id")
private Long reportId;
@Column(name = "report_date")
private LocalDate reportDate;
@Column(name = "area_id")
private Integer areaId;
You should correct your mapping in the following way:
@Table(name = "animal_report")
public class AnimalReport implements Serializable {
@CollectionTable(name = "animals_in_area", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "area_id", referencedColumnName = "area_id"))
@Column(name = "animal_id")
private Set<Integer> animalIds = new HashSet<>();
// ...
You have to use referencedColumnName
because the animals_in_area.area_id
column refered to not primary key column of the animal_report