I'm trying to build a tizen web application for a Samsung Active 2 smartwatch from CLI (Arch linux) and I keep getting this error:
[ERROR] Main.java(195) - org.tizen.common.sign.exception.CertificationException: Invaild password
I've followed this manual: Tizen CLI manual
The command I use to build the package is:
tizen package -t wgt -s CertificateName -- .
Where CertificateName is the name of my already existing certificate that I created using also the CLI with the command:
tizen certificate -a CertificateName -p password -n Name -e fake@email.com
After generating the certificate I've added to the security profiles using the command:
tizen security-profiles add -n author -a /home/user/tizen-studio-data/keystore/author/author.p12 -p password
And after it, I've added the Trust Anchor to the project with the command:
tizen trust-anchor set -c /home/user/tizen-studio-data/keystore/author/author.p12 -s true -- projectfolder
How can I fix the Invalid Password error? Thanks!
When you call tizen package
, the app checks the certificates' entries of the default profile.xml file that you set. It should look like this:
<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/developer/tizen-developer-ca.cer" distributor="0" key="<tizen-data>/keystore/author/<cert>.p12" password="<tizen-data>/keystore/author/<cert>.pwd" rootca=""/>
<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-ca.cer" distributor="1" key="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.p12" password="<tizen-data>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.pwd" rootca=""/>
Actually, the passwords aren't stored in the *.pwd files but in the Login
keyring of gnome-keyring
. In order to retrieve the passwords previously stored by calling tizen security-profiles add
, tizen package
<tizen>/tools/certificate-encryptor/secret-tool lookup --label=tizen-studio
You'll see by using the command above that you'll have an error giving more information than tizan package
. In your case, gnome-keyring
may not be installed or the Login
keyring may not be correctly initialized.
To resolve the issue the simplest thing to do is to install/reinstall the gnome-keyring
package and reboot (or restart gnome-keyring-daemon):
pacman -S gnome-keyring
This should add the Login
keyring and if it doesn't you can add it manually using seahorse
or echo <PASSWORD> | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock
Finally, re-add your profile with tizen security-profiles add
. You can see the Tizen blog post for remote/docker configuration.
If you don't want to bother with gnome-keyring you can try to add the passwords directly in the profiles.xml file as shown on the Tizen forum and written below:
<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/developer/tizen-developer-ca.cer" distributor="0" key="<tizen-data>/keystore/author/<cert>.p12" password="<strong_password>" rootca=""/>
<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-ca.cer" distributor="1" key="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.p12" password="tizenpkcs12passfordsigner" rootca=""/>