Trying to integrate the acmephp library into my project, but I keep getting this error when I attempt to request authorization for a domain
A non-ACME 400 HTTP error occured on request "POST" (response body: "(truncated...)")
Here's the client initialization code
public function registerWebsite()
try {
$secureHttpClientFactory = new SecureHttpClientFactory(
new GuzzleHttpClient(),
new Base64SafeEncoder(),
new KeyParser(),
new DataSigner(),
new ServerErrorHandler()
$acmeKeyPath = storage_path('acme-keys');
if (!file_exists($acmeKeyPath)) {
mkdir($acmeKeyPath, 0700, true);
$publicKeyPath = $acmeKeyPath . '/';
$privateKeyPath = $acmeKeyPath . '/account.pem';
if (!file_exists($privateKeyPath)) {
$keyPairGenerator = new KeyPairGenerator();
$keyPair = $keyPairGenerator->generateKeyPair();
file_put_contents($publicKeyPath, $keyPair->getPublicKey()->getPEM());
file_put_contents($privateKeyPath, $keyPair->getPrivateKey()->getPEM());
} else {
$publicKey = new PublicKey(file_get_contents($publicKeyPath));
$privateKey = new PrivateKey(file_get_contents($privateKeyPath));
$keyPair = new KeyPair($publicKey, $privateKey);
$secureHttpClient = $secureHttpClientFactory->createSecureHttpClient($keyPair);
$acmeClient = new AcmeClient($secureHttpClient, '');
$registerResponse = $acmeClient->registerAccount(null, '');
$authorizationChallenges = $acmeClient->requestAuthorization('');
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
Figured this out.
should be