I am trying to achieve a video animation with scrollmagic.
Desired outcome is that, the video plays based on the user scroll position.
export default function magic() {
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// SceneOne animation
const $video = $('#soVideo');
let sceneOne = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
duration: 9000,
triggerElement: '#trigger1',
triggerHook: 0
// SceneOne animation
let accelamount = 0.1;
let scrollpos = 0;
let delay = 0;
sceneOne.on('update', e => {
scrollpos = e.scrollPos / 1000;
setInterval(() => {
delay += (scrollpos - delay) * accelamount;
$video.currentTime = delay;
}, 33.36);
The problem is, I cannot get it working, the video stays static at scroll.
I am trying to do this for a product page, not sure what am I doing wrong.
Thanks for any tips!
Ok figured it out. Works now:
export default function magic() {
const intro = document.querySelector(".video-section");
const video = intro.querySelector('.video_zero');
const text = intro.querySelector('.intro-text');
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// SceneOne animation
let sceneOne = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
duration: 9500,
triggerElement: intro,
triggerHook: 0
// SceneOne animation
let accelamount = 0.1;
let scrollpos = 0;
let delay = 0;
sceneOne.on('update', e => {
scrollpos = e.scrollPos / 1000;
setInterval(() => {
delay += (scrollpos - delay) * accelamount;
video.currentTime = delay;
}, 33.3);