
ProgressIndicator duration in Flutter

How to show progress indicator so that it should show for about 15 seconds.Once it pass 15 seconds a button appears at center "try again" with a message at below "no internet connection".


  • You can add a delay using Future.delayed(), and to change the widgets in run time, we can use setState().

    Combining it all together, you can try something like this:

    Widget _dialogContent; // Declare this outside the method, globally in the class
    // In your method:
    _dialogContent = CircularProgressIndicator();
            context: context,
            builder: (BuildContext context) => Container(
              child: AlertDialog(
                content: _dialogContent, // The content inside the dialog
        ); // Your Dialog
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15)); // Duration to wait
      _dialogContent = Container(...), // Add your Button to try again and message text in this