Recently Google released a new "Read it" function of Google Assistant.
How can I try it with Python? I enabled Google Assistant API in console and created service account credentials. The documentation does not provide any Python implementation.
I'd like to run a simple "Hello world" example: send a text and get a wav file.
Google uses the term "Assistant" somewhat loosely, and a feature being available on the Assistant for one platform isn't always available on others, even if there is no obvious reason for it not to be.
Reading long-form audio may seem to make sense to be available on all audio Assistant platforms - but it isn't. At least as of this writing, it seems to only be available on Assistant for Android platforms. This suggests that it is a feature of that implementation specifically, and not a full Assistant feature.
Also note that the Assistant SDK is officially listed for hobbyist use only. Production hardware with the Assistant seems to use a different development platform that handles other features including streaming audio.