
Table validation rule error: Unknown function 'Nz' in validation expression or default value on 'TableName'

In Microsoft Access, I am trying to enforce table validation to have one and only one foreign key filled using table validation rule on Long Integer ...ID fields:

Nz([MeasurementPointID], 0) = 0 Xor Nz([MeterID], 0) = 0

But when saving table definition (table name is Readout), the following error is displayed:

Unknown function 'Nz' in validation expression or default value on 'Readout'

and this is correct, because on pressing the button, function Nz() is missing from Expression Builder.

How to implement the above requirement without Nz()?


  • A more general rewrite is just use IIF, which is available, and is a dropin replacement for Nz

    Nz([MeasurementPointID], 0) becomes IIF([MeasurementPointID] IS NOT NULL, [MeasurementPointID], 0)

    Generally, casting back and forth to a string will take a large performance hit.