
Kotlin Retrofit2 Enqueue "Unresolved reference Enqueue"

Hi I am getting an Unresolved reference Enqueue message and running out of options to resolve.

The Callback is made in a button setOnCLickListener in a Fragment.

Other suggestions have been to set the Gradle version to 3.1.3 (previously using 3.6.1) but the error persists.

        btnSearch.setOnClickListener {

            val service = RetrofitClientInstance.retrofitInstance?.create(
            val call = service?.getFlightData(
                "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") //appID and appKey x'd out :)

            call?.enqueue(object : Callback<RetrievedFlightData>{
                override fun onResponse(
                    call: Call<RetrievedFlightData>,
                    response: Response<RetrievedFlightData>
                ) {
                    if (response.code() == 200) {

                        val flightDataBody = response.body()!!

                        val flightData: FlightDTO = getFlightDTOData(flightDataBody)


                override fun onFailure(call: Call<RetrievedFlightData>, t: Throwable) {
                    TODO("Not yet implemented")
                    Toast.makeText(activity,"Error: Callback faliure - ${t.message}", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()



Interface is:

interface GetFlightService {

    @GET ("/flex/schedules/rest/v1/json/flight/")
    fun getFlightData(@Query("carrierFSCode") carrierFSCode: String,
                      @Query("departing") departing:String,
                      @Query("year") year:String,
                      @Query("month") month:String,
                      @Query("day") day:String,
                      @Query("codeType") codeType: String,
                      @Query("appID") appID: String,
                      @Query("appKey") appKey:String



and ClientInstance

object RetrofitClientInstance {

    private var retrofit: Retrofit? = null

    private const val  BASE_URL = ""

    //create a retrofit instance, only if it has not been created yet.

    val retrofitInstance: Retrofit?
        get() {
            if (retrofit == null){
                retrofit = retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder()

            return retrofit

The Client instance works as I have made other calls that work OK.

Another issue is that I need to wait for the response before I proceed. I have previously used newSingleThreadExecutor on another call but I understand this is not best practice. Any help on this would also be appreciated.




  • Change your getFlightData() to return Call<RetrievedFlightData>. So it becomes:

    @GET ("/flex/schedules/rest/v1/json/flight/")
    fun getFlightData(@Query("carrierFSCode") carrierFSCode: String,
                      @Query("departing") departing:String,
                      @Query("year") year:String,
                      @Query("month") month:String,
                      @Query("day") day:String,
                      @Query("codeType") codeType: String,
                      @Query("appID") appID: String,
                      @Query("appKey") appKey:String
    ): Call<RetrievedFlightData>