I have a GET request in which the user can pass a list of book codes as a parameter. Like this:
public ResponseEntity<Page<BooksView>> findAvailableBooks(@RequestParam(value = "codes") String[] codes
I need to take this array of codes and verify which book codes exist in the database and if they are available in stock to return them as a Spring page. I tried this:
1) First check if the code array is filled
2) If so, for each code in the array I check with mongo repository if that code exists in the database and if the available is true
3) If so, I add the current code to a list
4) But I don't know if this logic works (is there a simpler or cleaner way to do it?) and I also don't know how to treat this list so that the return is a Page
public Page<Book> findBooks(String[] codes) {
if(codes.length > 0) {
List<String> listOfCodes = null;
for (String code : codes){
return ???
you can write custom method in the repository like below,
public interface BookRepository extends MongoRepository<Book, String> {
Page<Book> findAllByCodeIn(String[] codes, Pageable pageable);
you can call the custom method from your service,
bookRepository.findAllByCodeIn(codes, PageRequest.of(0, 10))
I have the below test data inside my db,
bookRepository.save(new Book("S001", "Java"));
bookRepository.save(new Book("S002", "Spring"));
bookRepository.save(new Book("S003", "Kotlin"));
Different test case scenario's
GET http://localhost:8080/books?codes=
"content": [],
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"offset": 0,
"pageNumber": 0,
"pageSize": 10,
"paged": true,
"unpaged": false
"totalPages": 0,
"totalElements": 0,
"last": true,
"size": 10,
"number": 0,
"numberOfElements": 0,
"first": true,
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"empty": true
Test 2:
GET http://localhost:8080/books?codes=S001
"content": [
"code": "S001",
"name": "Java"
Test 3:
GET http://localhost:8080/books?codes=S001,S002
"content": [
"code": "S001",
"name": "Java"
"code": "S002",
"name": "Spring"