For my tests I have created an object which holds all my Arbitrary instances of case classes (ie my generators):
object Generators
def sample[A](implicit gen: Gen[A]): A =
gen.sample.getOrElse(sys.error(s"Could not generate instance with $gen"))
implicit def arb[A](implicit g: Gen[A]): Arbitrary[A] = Arbitrary(g)
trait FooGen { this: GenUtils =>
implicit val fooGen: Gen[Foo] = gen[Foo]
This currently sits under my /test folder as I need it to generate arbitrary instances of my cases classes for my unit tests. But now I want to create some integration tests which will be under my /it folder. What is the best way to share this generator file in my /test folder with my tests in /it folder?
I will have lots of these generators for all my case classes so I don't want to duplicate the code so that is why I am asking.
Based on gilad hoch's answer try
IntegrationTest / dependencyClasspath :=
(IntegrationTest / dependencyClasspath).value ++ (Test / exportedProducts).value
for example your build.sbt
might look like
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
libraryDependencies += scalaTest % "it,test",
IntegrationTest / dependencyClasspath :=
(IntegrationTest / dependencyClasspath).value ++ (Test / exportedProducts).value
and the directory structure
├── it
│ └── scala
│ └── example
│ └── GoodbyeSpec.scala
├── main
│ └── scala
│ └── example
│ └── Hello.scala
└── test
└── scala
└── example
├── FooGen.scala
└── HelloSpec.scala
so now FooGen.scala
is accessible from GoodbyeSpec.scala
Another option is creating a multi-project build and factor out common test code into its own project, perhaps test-common
, and then have the main project depend on it
lazy val core = (project in file("core"))
// other settings
lazy val testCommon = (project in file("testCommon"))
// other settings