
(Biztalk) Why am I seeing message type does not exist or is invalid for a referenced schema?

I've got a Biztalk solution that I'm trying to break apart into the recommended deployment artifacts (Schemas, Maps, and Orchestrations each in a separate DLL), and I'm having a little trouble with one schema in particular.

The orchestration in which I'm using the schema has a single message defined using the schema type. In orchestration view, this message has the error icon (!) beside it. When I hover over the icon, I see "Message Type 'BiztalkPilot.MyMessageType' does not exist or is invalid."

If I change the type's compilation instruction so that it resides in, say, the BiztalkPilotSchema namespace, then the whole thing works. Every other schema in the project is in the BiztalkPilot namespace and they all function correctly.

Obviously I could just switch namespaces and have done with it, but I would like to not have to go there if possible. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?


  • I discovered the root cause here. The orchestration shared the same name as the schema. I'm not sure why that worked when they were in a common project, but once I changed the typename of the orchestration everything worked correctly.