
Simple CGI web server in Python on VMS

I am trying to run an extremely simple CGI server on VMS done in python.

import sys    
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
from CGIHTTPServer import CGIHTTPRequestHandler    
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, CGIHTTPRequestHandler)

The problem I have is that it serves out static content properly and it tries to execute the CGI-s (it is in the right place, and Ihave used those CGIs with Apache so that part is definitely not the issue) but it hangs somewhere. It is something I don't know about VMS.

Any pointer to the right direction would be appreciated. :)

Update: Simplified, I need to execute a program on VMS and get the results of that program somehow. Any reference to executing subprocesses and getting their results is enough for me.


  • Are you using the Python port from ?

    If so, I think this thread, and this file (which appears to implement a form of popen2), may hold the keys to your salvation. There appear to be VMS-specific modules (at least vms.starlet, vms.rtl.lib, vms.dvidef, vms.clidef) in the port that provide interfaces to such things as VMS's spawn function. Documentation seems to be spotty or nonexistent, however.