A datagridview of SteelTypes has a column that has been bound to a dataview (SteelThicknesses). I can select the data and set it correctly. However I cannot load the same information. My datagridview comboboxcell contains the value and editted formatted text but I cannot set the display member information.
I have all of my textbox columns loading correctly except the combobox column. The variable of cbCol is set correctly and the EditedFormattedValue and FormattedValue contain the value I want! However the displayMember does not get replicated into the datagridviewcombobox cell.
I am trying to display a "3" into the Épaisseur (thickness) column via setting its value to a primary key (PK_SteelThickness):
See the results below. Everything except my comboboxcell is populated:
Appreciate the help in advance, this has gotten me crazy :)
This is an odd behavior but I found that changing my loading method calls from the new() to the form Load() made it work...
So I changed my initial code from this:
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
To this:
Private Sub frmQuotePads_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
This is the only code that was modified and now it works.