
How to debug Com+ DLL in Delphi that normally gets run from MSC application

Although I have many years Delphi experience, this is my first exposure to Com+. My client have a Com+ application that I have to maintain. In the end-user world, the DLL gets run by a MSC (Microsoft Common Console Document) application. How can I debug this DLL? I have set the host application under the debugger options to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DLLHOST.EXE and the Parameters to /ProcessID:{Application ID from Component Services}. The DLL runs but it does not give me any exposure/access to the GUI aspects of the DLL. All my break-points are also set to green (not reachable).


  • In the end, this has solved my problem: Under Project -> Options -> Delphi Compiler -> Compiling: Change the Optimization to FALSE and the Stack frames to TRUE

    Under Project -> Options -> Delphi Compiler -> Linking: Set the Include remote debug symbols to TRUE.

    Run -> Parameters must look like this: enter image description here

    The ProcessID is the Application ID from your COM+ Application in Component Services (right click on your COM+ application and select Properties): enter image description here

    Remember to rebuild and register your DLL when all that changes have been made.