
How to run multiple webpack task before build in visual studio?

I have multiple webpack file with different 'purpose' and before and I need to run different webpack tasks, for example:

"scripts": {
  "webpack-dll": "set NODE_ENV=dll && webpack",
  "webpack-admin": "set NODE_ENV=admin && webpack",
  "webpack-dev": "set NODE_ENV=dev && webpack"

Before build I want to run 'dll' 'admin' and 'dev' task. But I can't bind more than one task to before build section.

enter image description here

Is there any solution to solve this?



  • You can create another entry in the scripts section in package.json and call that.

    "scripts": {
      "webpack-dll": "set NODE_ENV=dll && webpack",
      "webpack-admin": "set NODE_ENV=admin && webpack",
      "webpack-dev": "set NODE_ENV=dev && webpack",
      "before-build: "npm run webpack-dll && npm run webpack-admin && npm run webpack-dev"

    Another option is to add the npm-run-all package. Then you can run the tasks in parallell like this:

    "scripts": {
      "webpack-dll": "set NODE_ENV=dll && webpack",
      "webpack-admin": "set NODE_ENV=admin && webpack",
      "webpack-dev": "set NODE_ENV=dev && webpack",
      "before-build: "run-p webpack-dll && npm run webpack-admin && npm run webpack-dev"