I am working on a java project with maven, which uses some of my own libraries as dependencies, that are "evolving in paralel".
I am using HotswapAgent to make hot changes while I am debuging but, I don't know if it is possible to make a hotswap from my own libraries, because there are times that I need to make hot changes to any of my own libraries.
I know that I could add the libreries code to the project, but it would be the last resort, because that code is shared by other projects and I would like to keep them as dependencies
i have configured the hotswap-agent.properties file to add the external libraries extraClasspath=target/classes;/my-lib-project/classes;
The HotswapAgent is working allright in the main project, but it doesn't work for my own libraries that i added as dependencies with maven.
I don't know if it's possible or if i'm doing something wrong
To me it seems you are using the hotswap feature of the agent. Thus the agent picks up changed .class
filles and hotswaps them.
I would try to disable that and instead let your IDE/Debugger do hot code replace
. That way you don't need to fumble around with the agent configuration that much.