I am developing an app that is based on MaterialCalendarView (prolificinteractive) I am decorating days with drawables etc. I want to know which month and year is currently visible to the user so that I can only apply the decorater for the current visible month and not all the months as it will slow the app for no reason. Note : I am not talking about the current selected date.
There's a OnMonthChangedListener
already but it doesn't even have a month parameter! If you don't mind reflection, you can do this:
calview.setOnMonthChangedListener((widget, date) -> {
try {
Field currentMonthField = MaterialCalendarView.class.getDeclaredField("currentMonth");
int currentMonth = ((CalendarDay) currentMonthField.get(widget)).getMonth();
// Do something, currentMonth is between 1 and 12.
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
// Failed to get field value, maybe library was changed.
Or better yet, open and issue or make a pull request to either make that field public on pass its value when the listener is called.