
Using TPM attestation on a Rapberry Pi 3 Device

I have followed the Quickstart to Provision a simulated TPM device using the Azure IoT C SDK. I now want to do the same on a Raspberry Pi 3 - with an add-on GPIO TPM module for the Raspberry Pi platform based on an Infineon Optiga™ SLB 9670 TPM 2.0. Will the same tutorial work on a real TPM device? This is, the step Read cryptographic keys from the TPM device will work seamlessly and I will be able to retrieve Registration ID and Endorsement Key after running ./tpm_device_provision ?


  • I found on the documentation Use a Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM SLx 9670 on a Raspberry Pi 3B running Raspbian Linux OS to test Azure Device Provisioning Service for Azure IoT Edge that ./tpm_device_provision will retrieve Registration ID and Endorsement Key on the TPM module!