Im trying to replace hyperlinks in my excel worksheet with new links but I keep getting Run-time error '7' out of memory . I have 8gb of free memory and im using 64bit excel 365.
I tried reducing the number of lines to 50 lines but still the same error. it shows the code stops at "h.Address = Replace(h.Address, sOld, sNew)" even if I remove the if statement I searched and used multiple versions of this code:
Sub test()
Dim h As Hyperlink
Dim sOld As String
Dim sNew As String
sOld = "http://portal.something.local/"
sNew = "WorkDammit"
For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
If InStr(1, h.Address, sOld) Then
h.Address = Replace(h.Address, sOld, sNew)
End If
Next h
End Sub
You might try deleting then adding.
Sub test()
Dim h As Hyperlink
Dim sOld As String
Dim sNew As String
sOld = "http://portal.motovantage.local/"
sNew = "WorkDammit"
For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
If InStr(1, h.Address, sOld) Then
CellAddr = h.Range.Address
Range(CellAddr).Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Range(CellAddr), Address:=sNew
End If
Next h
End Sub