
Qt for Symbian S60 - "Feature not supported"

I'm developing an application with Qt for the Symbian platform, and I ran into a problem when testing the app on an S60 phone, Nokia E90.

The application compiles just fine, but when I'm installing the sis-file the phone notifies me that a "Feature is not supported".

Here's a list of capabilities that I'm using:

LocalServices ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices 
UserEnvironment Location ReadDeviceData NetworkControl

I'm also using Qt Mobility:

systeminfo bearer location

The app installs just fine on Symbian^3, but not on S60. What could be the problem?

Best regards


  • the question is which version of QtSDK do you use. QtSDK 1.1 does not support S60 anymore. Only Symbian^1 (5th generation) and Symbian^3 are supported by QtSDK 1.1 .

    S60 devices are supported only by the QtSDK 1.0.

    Best Regards