Why does the partial function
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v@Warped(Engineer(name: String)) => v.asInstanceOf[Warped[Engineer]]
seem to require asInstanceOf
cast on RHS whilst the following does not
val engineers: PartialFunction[Crewmember, Engineer] = {
case v@Engineer(name) => v
sealed trait Crewmember
case class Engineer(name: String) extends Crewmember
case class Commander(name: String) extends Crewmember
case class Warped[+A <: Crewmember](v: A)
val engineers: PartialFunction[Crewmember, Engineer] = {
case v@Engineer(name) => v
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v@Warped(Engineer(name: String)) => v.asInstanceOf[Warped[Engineer]]
val crew: List[Crewmember] =
List(Engineer("Geordi"), Commander("Picard"), Engineer("Scott"), Commander("Kirk"))
val warpedCrew: List[Warped[Crewmember]] =
List(Warped(Engineer("Geordi")), Warped(Commander("Picard")), Warped(Engineer("Scott")), Warped(Commander("Kirk")))
crew collect engineers
// res0: List[Engineer] = List(Engineer(Geordi), Engineer(Scott))
warpedCrew collect warpedEngineers
// res1: List[Warped[Engineer]] = List(Warped(Engineer(Geordi)), Warped(Engineer(Scott)))
Casting with asInstanceOf
could be avoided like so
case Warped(eng: Engineer) => Warped(eng)
but I am wondering why does compiler not insert implicit asInstanceOf
and instead types v
to Warped[Crewmember]
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v@Warped(Engineer(name: String)) => v
Error: type mismatch;
found : Warped[Crewmember]
required: Warped[Engineer]
case v@Warped(Engineer(name: String)) => v
According to SLS 8.1.3: Pattern Binders
A pattern binder 𝑥@𝑝 consists of a pattern variable 𝑥 and a pattern 𝑝. The type of the variable 𝑥 is the static type 𝑇 implied by the pattern 𝑝. This pattern matches any value 𝑣 matched by the pattern 𝑝, and it binds the variable name to that value.
A pattern 𝑝 implies a type 𝑇 if the pattern matches only values of the type 𝑇.
on the left in
case v@Warped(Engineer(name: String)) => v
has static type Warped[Crewmember]
because that's what you wrote in the type signature
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], ...
So if you write just v
on the right it's a type mismatch.
on the right and on the left in
case Warped(Engineer(name)) => Warped(Engineer(name))
look similar but are different because they have different types. They are actually Warped[Crewmember](Engineer(name))
and Warped[Engineer](Engineer(name))
. Because of covariance Warped[Engineer]
is a Warped[Crewmember]
but not vice versa.
How is compiler supposed to guess that it should insert asInstanceOf
here and shouldn't for example in val x: Int = "a"
If you change the signature
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Engineer], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v@Warped(Engineer(name)) => v
then static type of v
will be Warped[Engineer]
and the code will compile.
Similarly if you use typed pattern
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v: Warped[Engineer] => v
then static type of v
will be Warped[Engineer]
and the code will compile.
It seems in terms of specification pattern v@Warped(Engineer(name))
val warpedEngineers: PartialFunction[Warped[Crewmember], Warped[Engineer]] = {
case v@Warped(Engineer(name)) => ...
"implies" type Warped[Crewmember]
(because of the signature).