
Unable to link role for portlet [portletname] with role-name [rolename] liferay 6.1

when I deploy my portlet on liferay 6.1.2 , this errors appears:

01:57:10,382 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][PortletImpl:2253] Unable to link role for portlet [numberauctionmenu_WAR_numberauctionportlet] with role-name [power-user] because role-link is null
01:57:10,382 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][PortletImpl:2253] Unable to link role for portlet [numberauctionmenu_WAR_numberauctionportlet] with role-name [administrator] because role-link is null
01:57:10,382 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][PortletImpl:2253] Unable to link role for portlet [numberauctionmenu_WAR_numberauctionportlet] with role-name [guest] because role-link is null
01:57:10,382 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][PortletImpl:2253] Unable to link role for portlet [numberauctionmenu_WAR_numberauctionportlet] with role-name [user] because role-link is null

but my portlet works without bug... what is the solution?


  • In my liferay-portlet.xml I have:

    <role-link>Power User</role-link>