
What alternative when I get: "Partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed"

When I do this:

struct Test {
  var value: Int = 0

  mutating func increment(amount: Int) { value += amount }
  mutating func decrement(amount: Int) { value -= amount }

  func apply(technique: (Int) -> ()) {

  mutating func main() {
    apply(technique: increment) //Error: "Partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed"


I get this error message: I've read this: Partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed and can see the problem but can't work out what the alternative code should be?

My key requirement is that I want set up a series of "techniques" such as increment and decrement and then "apply" them with a simple call.

Any help appreciated :-)


  • One way is to accept an inout Test in technique. Also you should make apply mutating, because it undoubtedly changes the state of Test.

    mutating func apply(technique: (inout Test, Int) -> ()) {
        technique(&self, 2) // this is "kind of" analogous to "self.technique(2)"
    mutating func main() {
        apply(technique: {
            $0.increment(amount: $1)