i am attempting to use rdtsc for a timer, but both the eax and edx registers either remain empty or they form a number very different from the one given by the __rdtsc function from MS's instrin.h library.
here's the assembly code:
.model flat, c
get_curr_cycle proc
xor eax, eax ; empty eax register
xor edx, edx ; empty edx register
shl edx, 32 ; shift high bits to the left
or edx, eax ; or the high bits to the low bits
mov eax, edx ; move the final result into eax
get_curr_cycle endp
and here is the c++ code:
#include <iostream>
#include <intrin.h>
extern "C" long long get_curr_cycle();
int main()
long long t1 = __rdtsc();
long long t2 = get_curr_cycle();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
printf("%d - %d\n", t1, t2);
return 0;
here's my last output:
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
87592744 - 31162
According to Wikipedia:
The instruction RDTSC returns the TSC in EDX:EAX. In x86-64 mode, RDTSC also clears the higher 32 bits of RAX and RDX.
So, on x86, your code can simply be:
get_curr_cycle proc
get_curr_cycle endp
Which will return the current timer value in edx:eax
On x64, you can do:
get_curr_cycle proc
shl rdx, 32
or rax, rdx
get_curr_cycle endp
This will return the timer value in rax
Also, your format specifiers for printf
are wrong. They should be %lld