I have a domain registered through DynDNS (dummydns.dyndns-server.com). I initially enabled port forwarding on port 80 for Apache-PHP and 8080 for Tomcat. I can access both on my local machine for Apache and Tomcat (localhost:80 and localhost:8080 respectively). However, I am only able to access Apache outside our network (dummydns.dyndns-server.com:80) but not Tomcat (dummydns.dyndns-server.com:8080). I figure I only need Tomcat for now so I swapped the two domains (now Apache is on 8080 and Tomcat on 80). To my dismay, I am still unable to access Tomcat (dummydns.dyndns-server.com:80) and still able to access Apache(dummydns.dyndns-server.com:8080).
So it's clear now that it is not a router issue but with server configuration.
I am running XAMPP 1.73 with Tomcat installed as add on. All configurations are defaults XAMPP configurations except for their ports (because I swapped them, no other config modifications).
Do I have to modify anything on Tomcat to enable remote access? Does it only allow local access by default?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Forget about that. It's a firewall problem.