I have a RAM disk created with ImDisk Toolkit. The drive letter is "R". I can access the RAM disk properly (Get-ChildItem R:
shows directory entries properly).
I want to format the RAM disk in my powershell script (it runs a benchmark) without administrator authority. So I want to refrain from using format
command because it needs administrator authority to execute.
When I tried to format the RAM disk with Format-Volume
PowerShell cmdlet, I got the following error:
PS C:\> Format-Volume -DriveLetter R
Format-Volume : No MSFT_Volume objects found with property 'DriveLetter' equal to 'R'. Verify the value of the
property and retry.
At line:1 char:1
+ Format-Volume -DriveLetter R
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (R:Char) [Format-Volume], CimJobException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletizationQuery_NotFound_DriveLetter,Format-Volume
And I found the RAM disk seems to have no drive letter from PowerShell (with Get-Volume
DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining Size
----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- ------------- ----
E Unknown Fixed Healthy Unknown 0 B 0 B
C Windows NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 334.99 GB 475.7 GB
Windows RE tools NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 504.46 MB 990 MB
I have tried to choose the RAM disk with FriendlyName
property, but I couldn't access that property. FriendlyName
seems to be not actual property (it is not listed with Get-Member
). So I couldn't filter the result of Get-Volume
and pass it to Format-Volume
How can I specify the RAM disk to format with Format-Volume
cmdlet that seems to have no drive letter with Get-Volume
? Or, do I have to use format
command rather than Format-Volume
cmdlet (so I must have administrator authority) in this situation ?
I found the RAM disk doesn't appear in the result of Get-Volume
, Get-CimInstance Win32_Volume
or Get-CimInstance Win32_DiskPartition
. It appears only in the result of Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk
like this:
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk
DeviceID DriveType ProviderName VolumeName Size FreeSpace
-------- --------- ------------ ---------- ---- ---------
C: 3 Windows 510781288448 353026121728
E: 3
R: 3 1073737728 1056030720
Z: 3 3897664995328 3646232199168
Note that the RAM disk (R:) is shown as DriveType 3
(Fixed disk).
I could get the object of the RAM disk (R:), but I got following error with Format-Volume
PS C:\> $ramDisk = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq "R:" }
PS C:\> Format-Volume -Partition $ramDisk -WhatIf
Format-Volume : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Partition', because PSTypeNames of the argument do not match the
PSTypeName required by the parameter: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#MSFT_Partition.
At line:1 char:26
+ Format-Volume -Partition $ramDisk -WhatIf
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Format-Volume], ParameterBindingArgumentTransformationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MismatchedPSTypeName,Format-Volume
Format-Volume -InputObject
also returns following error.
PS C:\> $ramDisk = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk | Where DeviceId -eq 'R:'
PS C:\> $ramDisk
DeviceID DriveType ProviderName VolumeName Size FreeSpace
-------- --------- ------------ ---------- ---- ---------
R: 3 1073737728 1056030720
PS C:\> Format-Volume -InputObject $ramDisk -WhatIf
Format-Volume : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'InputObject', because PSTypeNames of the argument do not match the P
STypeName required by the parameter: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#MSFT_Volume.
At line:1 char:28
+ Format-Volume -InputObject $ramDisk -WhatIf
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Format-Volume], ParameterBindingArgumentTransformationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MismatchedPSTypeName,Format-Volume
I confirmed at users forum that ImDisk has no interface for Volume Mount Manager. So there is no way to format the RAM disk made with ImDisk with Format-Volume
Note: I had also tried to format a RAM disk made with Dataram RAMDisk. It has an interface for Volume Mount Manager, but Format-Volume -DriveLetter S
eventually requires the administrator authority.
PS C:\> Format-Volume -DriveLetter S
Format-Volume : Access Denied
Activity ID: {1c815d1b-72f2-4432-b0e1-a33c96d2f539}
At line:1 char:1
+ Format-Volume -DriveLetter S
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/...age/MSFT_Volume) [Format-Volume], CimExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 40001,Format-Volume
It seems the Format-Volume
cmdlet requires the administrator authority anyway.