
Installing GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) on Windows

This could be an annoying question. But I was hoping someone could provide me with step by step instructions on how to get GLPK up and running on a Windows machine. I have Windows 7 64-bit.

I have tried looking at some instructions on various websites but keep running into problems. I am not very versed in creating directories, working with binaries (e.g. what is a binary), etc.... Even running commands is a little foreign to me.

To get an idea of what kind of detail I need in the instructions, here are some I have tried (and failed) to use:

As you can see, I need something fairly detailed. I have read an example of a GLPK program in action, and I believe that once I get the program up and running I should be able to write the code to use it.

Can anyone help me? I would be so grateful.

EDIT: As a parallel question, I would also be interested in suggestions for other programs that will do the similar things as GLPK, but are more straightforward to install and use.


  • here an easy step-by-step explanation of "how to make glpk work":

    To download GLPK , first go to the GLPK windows download page and then follow the instructions here from 1:

    1. Go to control panel to determine whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit Windows (assume 64-bit from now on).
    2. Download the latest version of GLPK, 4.65 at the time of writing, from the following address Sourceforge.
    3. Extract the Zip folder by: right clicking on the folder and then>> 7-Zip >> Extract Here as shown. Move the glpk-4.65 folder from your downloads folder to your C: drive.
    4. Assuming you’re using 64-bit Windows, click on the C:\glpk-4.65 folder in Windows explorer, click on the w64 folder, and select and copy the file path, which should be C:\glpk-4.65\w64.
    5. Search and open your Control Panel, select System and Security>>System>>Advanced system settings>>Environment Variables. Then click on ‘path’ in the top window, click the ‘Edit’ button, then ‘New’.
    6. Paste the file path you copied above and save.
