I am trying to setup my RractiveMongo dependancy for both linux and osx platforms.
I tried this:
val mongoShadedNativeLinux = "org.reactivemongo" % "reactivemongo-shaded-native" % s"$reactivemongoVersion-linux-x86-64" classifier "linux-x86_64"
val mongoShadedNative = "org.reactivemongo" % "reactivemongo-shaded-native" % s"$reactivemongoVersion-osx-x86-64" classifier "natives-osx"
But I get an error:
https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/reactivemongo/reactivemongo-shaded-native/0.20.3-osx-x86-64/reactivemongo-shaded-native-0.20.3-osx-x86-64-natives-osx.jar: not found: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/reactivemongo/reactivemongo-shaded-native/0.20.3-osx-x86-64/reactivemongo-shaded-native-0.20.3-osx-x86-64-natives-osx.jar
How do I load the correct library? And do I have to build the project on a linux server to build it for production (using linux for prod, osx for development)
As you can see in the build of the demo application, you can customize the dependency according OS.
libraryDependencies += {
val os = sys.props.get("os.name") match {
case Some(osx) if osx.toLowerCase.startsWith("mac") =>
case _ =>
val (playVer, nativeVer) = reactiveMongoVer.split("-").toList match {
case major :: Nil =>
s"${major}-play27" -> s"${major}-${os}-x86-64"
case vs @ _ => {
val pv = ((vs.init :+ "play27") ++ vs.lastOption.toList)
val nv = ((vs.init :+ os :+ "x86-64") ++ vs.lastOption.toList)
pv.mkString("-") -> nv.mkString("-")
"org.reactivemongo" % "reactivemongo-shaded-native" % nativeVer
You can replace sys.props.get("os.name")
by sys.env.get("FOO")
, to define the target OS using a environment variable at build-time.