Using the mongodb shell, I'm trying to add a new property to each document in a large collection. The collection (Listing) has an existing property called Address. I'm simply trying to add a new property called LowerCaseAddress which can be used for searching so that I don't need to use a case-insensitive regex for address matching, which is slow.
Here is the script I tried to use in the shell:
for( var c = db.Listing.find(); c.hasNext(); ) {
var listing =;
db.Listing.update( { LowerCaseAddress: listing.Address.toLowerCase() });
It ran for ~6 hours and then my PC crashed. Is there a better way to add a new property to each documentin a large collection (~4 million records)?
Your JavaScript didn't work. The code below works, but I don't know how long it takes for 4 million records.
db.Listing.update({_id: item._id}, {$set: { LowerCaseAddress: item.Address.toLowerCase() }})