I wonder if I can request following criteria from a Log Parser database. (Yes, it's shitty to not have two databases for this but that's what it is.)
| RegKey | Hostname | WinVersion |
| Regkey1 | PC1 | 1909 |
| Regkey2 | PC1 | 1909 |
| Regkey3 | PC1 | 1909 |
| Regkey1 | PC2 | 1803 |
| Regkey1 | PC3 | 1909 |
| Regkey2 | PC3 | 1909 |
Hostname and WinVersion do fit together in each dataset but each regkey has it's own dataset. What I'm looking for is a statement to list or count for example ALL Hostnames WHERE NONE of all datasets HAS (RegKey LIKE RegKey3). So that it results in a list of all Hostnames where RegKey3 is missing.
When I use WHERE and GROUP BY, of course I get all Hostnames because only the RegKey3 datasets are filtered. But is this even possible? I tried with HAVING but this seems to be only valid with counting or number comparison.
You can use:
select hostname
from t
group by hostname
having sum(case when RegKey LIKE RegKey3 then 1 else 0 end) = 0;
You can try this alternative:
select distinct hostname
from t
where not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.hostname = t.hostname and t2.RegKey like RegKey3);