so the issue I am having and struggling to understand is how to setup multiple clouds/clusters. Very similar to this question. One Jenkins, Two Kubernetes Clusters
Basically I have jenkins perfectly running in cluster A. Cluster B is where I'm having issues. I have cluster b kubernetes setup in the plugin as cluster B. I can hit the login button and it works as expected. The problem im having is when a agent deploys to cluster b to do work, it can no longer talk back. The errors appears to be because my jenkins is behind a https endpoint. However I cannot find where to setup ssl? And even if I get past that, I'm not certain as how to let jnlp talk back? Would that be a nodeport? I looked at websocket but I'm still having issues. Everything online I find does not appear to answer jenkins behind https. They all appear to assume it's http. Any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
so to close the loop on what I ended up doing. I used the kubernetes-cli plugin in the end. This way agents got spun in in cluster A, and were able to trigger deployments etc in cluster B. The kubernetes-cli plugin only required a service account on cluster A in order to interact with the cluster. So actually a perfect solution.