I need to match two kinds of tuples and produce maps from them.
Both have a keyword and a string. One can have a third item (a language code).
[<key> <value>] ~> {:type <key> :value <value>}
[<key> <value> <lang>] ~> {:type <key> :value <value> :lang <lang>}
I only need to match those which keyword is either :foo
or :bar
and decided that I would use clojure.core.match
(ns so.example
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]))
(defn example-1 [ast]
(let [l10n-key #{:foo :bar}]
(match ast
[(k :guard l10n-key) v lang] {:type k :value v :lang lang}
[(k :guard l10n-key) v] {:type k :value v})))
(example-1 [:foo 10])
;=> {:type :foo, :value 10}
(example-1 [:bar 20 "en"])
;=> {:type :bar, :value 20, :lang "en"}
That works but I wanted to reuse the matching pattern :guard l10n-key
in different clauses. So I thought I could use some syntax quoting and unquote splicing:
(defn example-2 [ast]
(let [l10n-key-match [:guard #{:foo :bar}]]
(match ast
[`(k ~@l10n-key-match) v lang] {:type k :value v :lang lang}
[`(k ~@l10n-key-match) v] {:type k :value v})))
However the defn
expression crashes with:
Unexpected error (AssertionError) macroexpanding match at (form-init11111096422056977084.clj:3:5).
Invalid list syntax (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote so.example/k)) l10n-key-match) in (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote so.example/k)) l10n-key-match)). Valid syntax: [[:default :guard] [:or :default] [:default :only] [:default :seq] [:default :when] [:default :as] [:default :<<] [:default :clojure.core.match/vector]]
What am I doing wrong?
Isn't this what spec, that already ships with Clojure, does? You would define your pattern like
(ns playground.catspec
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]))
(spec/def ::type #{:foo :bar})
(spec/def ::value number?)
(spec/def ::lang #{"en" "sv" "fr"})
(spec/def ::key-value-lang (spec/cat :type ::type
:value ::value
:lang (spec/? ::lang)))
We use spec/def
to define a spec, spec/cat
to concatenate specs and spec/?
for a spec that is optional.
Then we use conform
to parse the tuple:
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:foo 10])
;; => {:type :foo, :value 10}
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:bar 20 "en"])
;; => {:type :bar, :value 20, :lang "en"}
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:bar 119 "fr"])
;; => {:type :bar, :value 119, :lang "fr"}
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [119 :foo])
;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:bar 119 "uj"])
;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:bar])
;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang [:bar 119 "fr" :asdfasdf])
;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(spec/conform ::key-value-lang {:a 1 :b 4})
;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid