I am using react-hooks with dropzone.
So, my code looks something like this:
const onDrop = (acceptedFiles) => {
const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ onDrop });
return (
<div {...getRootProps()} className="dropzone-container">
<input {...getInputProps()} multiple={false} />
// My component here
Now, when I click on the dropzone, I can select only 1 file. That's cool.
But when I drop multiple files on the dropzone, all of them are accepted. I mean in onDrop method, I get all the files in acceptedFiles parameter.
Can someone point why is this happening? Am I doing anything wrong here?
You can pass on multiple: false to useDropzone
and it will ignore multiple files on drop and only the first one will be picked
const onDrop = (acceptedFiles) => {
const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ onDrop, multiple: false });
return (
<div {...getRootProps()} className="dropzone-container">
<input {...getInputProps()}/>
// My component here