
Static resources not found in Spring MVC app

I'm working on MVC web app. Using Spring Boot 2.0.1 with Spring Security. And I get error 404 when try reaching static resources.

enter image description here

I've tried diefferent things, I've read many topics, but can't find any solution.

Configuretion class:

public class FriendlyFireChessApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    private SpringApplicationContext springApplicationContext;

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(FriendlyFireChessApplication.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    some beans here

    public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

Project strucutre:

enter image description here


<DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">

        <title>Friendly fire chess</title>

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='/static/css/style.css'/>

            <div class="main_header">
                    <a id="icon"><img src='/static/img/logo_1.png' width="40" height="70" border="0" /></a>

                <div id="main_title">
                    <span>Friendly Fire Chess</span>

                <div class="authentication_bar">
                        <span><a id="log_in_button" href=''>Login</a></span>

                        <span><a id="sign_in_button" href="">Sign In</a></span>




Security settings:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, SecurityConstants.SIGN_UP_URL)
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, SecurityConstants.VERIFICATION_EMAIL_URL)
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, SecurityConstants.PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST_URL)
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, SecurityConstants.PASSWORD_RESET_URL)
            .antMatchers("/resources/**", "/static/css/**", "/static/img/**")
            .addFilter(new AuthorizationFilter(authenticationManager()))


What's wrong with all of this?


  • As per project structure, all your resources will be copied to static directory under your classpath and there won't be any location like resources. Hence, it would not be able to resolve.

    resource location should be specified along with classpath


    for safer side, you can class multiple location lookup as well like this

    .addResourceLocations(new String[]{"classpath:/static/", "/"});

    Spring includes these by default unless overridden

    ["classpath:/META-INF/resources/", "classpath:/resources/", "classpath:/static/", "classpath:/public/", "/"]