Im trying to use the speechSynthesis API. It's working on desktop browsers and mobile Chrome but not mobile Safari.
const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance("Hello World");
I added a little test and it seems the API is supported on Safari, could it be a permissions issue that it's not working?
if ("speechSynthesis" in window) {
} else {
On my end the issue broke down to proper loading speech synthesis on mobile Safari.
There are some things to check in order:
The following example summarizes these checks and works on MacOS desktop Browsers plus iOS Safari:
let _speechSynth
let _voices
const _cache = {}
* retries until there have been voices loaded. No stopper flag included in this example.
* Note that this function assumes, that there are voices installed on the host system.
function loadVoicesWhenAvailable (onComplete = () => {}) {
_speechSynth = window.speechSynthesis
const voices = _speechSynth.getVoices()
if (voices.length !== 0) {
_voices = voices
} else {
return setTimeout(function () { loadVoicesWhenAvailable(onComplete) }, 100)
* Returns the first found voice for a given language code.
function getVoices (locale) {
if (!_speechSynth) {
throw new Error('Browser does not support speech synthesis')
if (_cache[locale]) return _cache[locale]
_cache[locale] = _voices.filter(voice => voice.lang === locale)
return _cache[locale]
* Speak a certain text
* @param locale the locale this voice requires
* @param text the text to speak
* @param onEnd callback if tts is finished
function playByText (locale, text, onEnd) {
const voices = getVoices(locale)
// TODO load preference here, e.g. male / female etc.
// TODO but for now we just use the first occurrence
const utterance = new window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance()
utterance.voice = voices[0]
utterance.pitch = 1
utterance.rate = 1
utterance.voiceURI = 'native'
utterance.volume = 1
utterance.rate = 1
utterance.pitch = 0.8
utterance.text = text
utterance.lang = locale
if (onEnd) {
utterance.onend = onEnd
_speechSynth.cancel() // cancel current speak, if any is running
// on document ready
loadVoicesWhenAvailable(function () {
function speak () {
setTimeout(() => playByText("en-US", "Hello, world"), 300)
<button onclick="speak()">speak</button>
Details on the code are added as comments within the snippet.