
Converting a list of files to json map

I've been sturggling to figure out how to use jq to map a list of files to a given JSON structure. I have the following list of files:


that I would like to convert to the following JSON structure, where the dirname is the final path in the directory structure.

  { dirname: "jboss", filename: "/tmp/jboss/ejb-jar_3_2.xsd" },
  { dirname: "jboss", filename: "/tmp/jboss/example.crt" },

I figure the regex I can use to extract the path is fairly simple: .*/(.*)/ or something close to that. However, I can't figure out how to structure the jq filter. I figure it needs to be something like:

cat /tmp/files.txt | jq --raw-input '. |  { dirname: .match(regex).capture[0], filename: .}'

is as close as I've gotten, but that has several issues. 1) I can''t figure out how to use a regex for the dirname, and 2) this doesn't actually build the list of objects - it just generates multiple objects.

Is there an easy jq filter that I can use for this?


  • jq -nR '
      [inputs | capture(".*/(?<dirname>[^/]*)/[^/]+$") + { filname: .}]'