I'm using fscheck to write some unite tests and I would like to narrow down the range of decimal automatically generated and that regardless of the parameter I'm passing. What I mean by that is that let's say I have the types below:
Without having something to define an arbitrary for each single type, just that down the line in the generation if there a decimal it must say be between 0
and 300,000
module Tests
open Xunit
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
let addDecimals a b: decimal =
a + b
let ``test adding two decimals`` a b =
let actual = addDecimals a b
let expected = a + b
test<@ actual = expected @>
type DecimalHolder =
{ Value: decimal }
let addDecimalHolders a b =
{ Value = a.Value + b.Value }
let ``test adding two decimal holders`` a b =
let actual = addDecimalHolders a b
let expected = { Value = a.Value + b.Value }
test<@ actual = expected @>
type DecimalStuff =
| Value of decimal
| Holder of DecimalHolder
| Holders of DecimalHolder list
// Whatever
How can I achieve that?
Ok actually the Arbitrary definition works recursively across parameters types was enough:
module Tests
open Xunit
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
type NotBigPositiveDecimalArbitrary =
static member NotBigPositiveDecimal() =
Gen.choose (1, 500)
|> Gen.map (fun x -> decimal x)
|> Arb.fromGen
let addDecimals a b: decimal =
a + b
[<Property(Arbitrary = [| typeof<NotBigPositiveDecimalArbitrary> |])>]
let ``test adding two decimals`` a b =
let actual = addDecimals a b
let expected = a + b
test<@ actual = expected @>
type DecimalHolder =
{ Value: decimal }
let addDecimalHolders a b =
{ Value = a.Value + b.Value }
[<Property(Arbitrary = [| typeof<NotBigPositiveDecimalArbitrary> |])>]
let ``test adding two decimal holders`` a b =
let actual = addDecimalHolders a b
let expected = { Value = a.Value + b.Value }
test<@ actual = expected @>