IDK what just happen, but when the program is still running, the text the after it showed it gone, or it just showed one text. can u guys help me sorry for my bad English, I'll be appreciated your help thank you so much this is my code
int j;
float timeinterval;
float lasttimecheck;
float endY = 0;
int index = 0;
int x2;
int y2;
int x0=150;
int y0=0;
float r = random(1, 20);
float x1 = 1;
float y1 = 1;
String[] words;
void timecapture() {
lasttimecheck = millis();
timeinterval = 0; //2sec
void setup() {
size (400, 400);
void draw() {
int y2 = 0;
float [] x = new float [j];
float [] y = new float [j];
for (int i = 0; (i<x.length) && (i<y.length); i++ ) {
x[i] = x1;
y[i] = y1;
//text (x[i]+","+y[i], 20, y1);
y2 = y2+40;
String[] data = new String[x.length];
for (int ii = 0; ii<x.length; ii++) {
data [ii] = str(x[ii]) + ("\t") + str(y[ii]);
if (millis() > lasttimecheck + timeinterval) {
saveStrings("location", data);
lasttimecheck = millis();
if (x.length<30 && y.length<30)
x1=x1+r; y1=y1+r;
The issue is that the arrays x
and y
are recreated in every frame.
void draw() { background(255); // [...] float [] x = new float [j]; float [] y = new float [j];
Add global variables x
, y
and data
. Use append()
to add values to the arrays. And draw the text in a loop:
float [] x = new float [0];
float [] y = new float [0];
String[] data = new String[0];
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; (i<x.length) && (i<y.length); i++ ) {
text (x[i]+","+y[i], 20, i*20 + 20);
if (x.length <= j) {
x = append(x, x1);
y = append(y, y1);
data = append(data, str(x1) + ("\t") + str(y1));
if (millis() > lasttimecheck + timeinterval) {
saveStrings("location", data);
lasttimecheck = millis();
if (x.length<30 && y.length<30) {
x1=x1+r; y1=y1+r;