I'm using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows as the command line tool.
I need to install Node and NPM, and on the download page for unix I need to choose between 5 different options: 32bits, 64 bits, ArmV6, ArmV7, Armv8. Arms themselves are either 32 or 64 bit so this left me a confused.
Are Arm versions meant for mobile devices? I couldn't find Bash/Ubuntu in any directory, and not in the 64 bit program directory.
If my Windows is 64 bit, can I assume that Bash/Ubuntu will be 64 bits as well, and that that is the right file to download?
To install node and npm in Ubuntu on WSL you need to install nvm. It doesn't work with apt-install
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
or ~/.zshrc
depending on the Linux Shell you're using and add the following at the bottomexport NVM_DIR="/home/yourusername/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
Now restart bash, and then run
nvm install node
That will install the latest, if you wish to install a specific version
nvm install v6.11.5
You're all set.
Credit: https://winsmarts.com/how-to-install-node-on-linux-on-windows-wsl-65069ea5f83d