
How to use Spring's WebTestClient to check for a string in Kotlin?

I am trying to use the WebTestClient to check a Controller that returns a string. But for some reason I get an error.

I use Kotlin so I tried to apply the Java examples I have found to it but I can't figure out how to do it right. What am I missing?

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class HelloResourceIT {

    fun shouldReturnGreeting(@Autowired webClient: WebTestClient) {

                .isEqualTo<Nothing>("Hello Foo!")

When I try to use String or java.lang.String instead of Nothing I get the error message:

Type argument is not within its bounds. Expected: Nothing! Found:String!

When I use Nothing I get a NPE.

There is already Type interference issue with the WebFlux WebTestClient and Kotlin but I works with a specific type. String does not seem to work here. What I am missing?


  • It looks like you are not using the extension function that was identified as a work-around. To use it, try updating the last two lines of your test as follows:

        .isEqualTo("Hello Foo!")

    which appears to work correctly.

    For reference: