
Disable vectorization when compiling HPL Linpack benchmark

I try to compile the netlib hpl linpack benchmark, but I want to disable vectorization.

I removed all optimization flags in the make file and only have the flags -qno-openmp-simd -no-vec -no-simd set.

However, when I execute the binary xhpl, the walltime and FLOPs are the same as whenn all optimization flags are set and the code is vectorized. Further, likwid shows a vectorization ratio of ~98%.

I read that these flags do not inhibit libraries like MKL from being vectorized. The netlib HPL uses the Linear Algebra library (BLAS or VSIPL) from MKLROOT.

Can I force the compiler to disable vectorization when compiling this specific benchmark and if so, how?


  • this is expected behavior as the most part of computations happen from withing BLAS or BSIPL which are already built.