
vim 8, UltiSnips and coc-ultisnips: `${VISUAL}` does nothing

Using vim 8, Ultisnips, and coc-ultisnips.

Consider this snippet:

snippet cdeg "Add console.debug({})"

I would expect it to expand cdeg to console.debug(value).

The problem is if I have that buffer:


Then visual select hello, press C to replace it with cdeg and then expand. I would expect the buffer to look like that:


But instead, I get


So it would seem ${VISUAL} has no effect with coc-ultisnips. Any idea what is going on, and how to have coc-ultisnips behave like UltiSnips regarding ${VISUAL}?


  • It could be that I was using it wrong. In UltiSnips, you have to visual select, then press , then your snippet, then again. Only then do you get your visual selection inserted.

    I don't know if this works with coc-ultisnips, because I have switched back to YouCompleteMe + UltiSnips and Supertab: YCM provides better completion results for TypeScript and works fine with UltiSnips.

    This is the ticket to using Tab for YCM and UltiSnips together: