Have a N series Windows 10 VM on Azure with Tesla K80 display adaptor. The VM doesn't seems to use the GPU properly. Any help would be highly appreciated!
Following are the issues with the Azure VM:
1. Playing GTA is very laggy and you play frame-by-frame.
2. The VM doesn't uses the NVIDIA Display Adaptor for the default Generic PnP Monitor.
3. DxDiag is not showing the correct display adaptor information.
Probably you can try to switch the GPU to WDDM mode. By default it is in TCC mode. To do that go to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI folder. Run nvidia-smi command-prompt utility to see the current mode and GPU Id. Then run the command
nvidia-smi -g {GPU_ID} -dm 0
nvidia-smi -g {GPU_ID} -fdm 0
to switch to WDDM.
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