I am trying to add touch events to my watch face that I am developing with the EFL libraries. But the touch layer is either not working or, when it is, it is fully covering my watch face, although it should be transparent.
My code that creates the watch window is:
Evas_Object *win = NULL;
int ret = EINA_FALSE;
* Get watch window object
ret = watch_app_get_elm_win(&win);
if (ret != APP_ERROR_NONE) {
dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to get watch window. err = %d", ret);
return NULL;
evas_object_resize(win, width, height);
/* <Variant A or B here> */
Then I try to create a transparent gesture layer and touch callbacks (like described on https://docs.tizen.org/application/native/guides/ui/efl/touch-gesture). I have tried two variants.
Variant A - I use the same window that I created for the watch (win). No errors, but it doesn't work, no touch events:
/* Variant A */
/* Gesture layer transparent object */
Evas_Object *r;
/* Gesture layer object */
Evas_Object *g;
win = elm_win_util_standard_add("gesture_layer", "Gesture Layer");
elm_win_autodel_set(win, EINA_TRUE);
/* Gesture layer transparent object */
r = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(win));
evas_object_move(r, 0, 0);
evas_object_color_set(r, 0, 0, 255, 128);
elm_win_resize_object_add(win, r);
/* Gesture layer object */
g = elm_gesture_layer_add(win);
elm_gesture_layer_attach(g, r);
/* Set callbacks */
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(g, ELM_GESTURE_N_TAPS, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_START, n_finger_tap_start, NULL);
Variant B - I use a separate object winTouch for the touch layer. It works, but the layer appears fully opaque and the watch face cannot be seen:
/* Variant B */
Evas_Object *winTouch;
/* Gesture layer transparent object */
Evas_Object *r;
/* Gesture layer object */
Evas_Object *g;
winTouch = elm_win_util_standard_add("gesture_layer", "Gesture Layer");
elm_win_autodel_set(winTouch, EINA_TRUE);
/* Gesture layer transparent object */
r = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(winTouch));
evas_object_move(r, 0, 0);
evas_object_color_set(r, 0, 0, 255, 0);
elm_win_resize_object_add(winTouch, r);
/* Gesture layer object */
g = elm_gesture_layer_add(winTouch);
elm_gesture_layer_attach(g, r);
evas_object_show(winTouch); // <--- Without this line, Variant B behaves like Variant A
/* Set callbacks */
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(g, ELM_GESTURE_N_TAPS, ELM_GESTURE_STATE_START, n_finger_tap_start, NULL);
// and other callbacks
What am I doing wrong?
My project is based on the SDK sample "Chronograph Watch". There are actually 4 different Evas_Object's:
Where should I add the gesture layer? When I add it on 1, Variant A does nothing, Variant B works but covers the watch face. If I do it on one of the others, both Variants work but cover the watch face. I don't understand why, since I am specifying a transparent color.
EDIT: One new thought: could it be that the touch gesture layer does only work on apps, not on watch faces?
The widget tree of chronographwatch App is
Win -> Bg -> Layout -> Images
This sample app's top view is Layout(main.edc), So you should attach gesture layer on that.
Evas_Object *gesture;
gesture = elm_gesture_layer_add(chronograph_layout);
elm_gesture_layer_attach(gesture, chronograph_layout);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(gesture, ELM_GESTURE_N_TAPS,
ELM_GESTURE_STATE_START, n_finger_tap_start, NULL);
elm_gesture_layer_cb_set(gesture, ELM_GESTURE_N_TAPS,
ELM_GESTURE_STATE_END, n_finger_tap_end, NULL);
I can get an event properly.
Hope you got a solution.