
Is model.publish event occur only during Revit publish action?

Description of this event says: "When a Revit Cloud Worksharing model is queued or when processing starts."

Does it mean that this event occurs only after a model was published from Revit? Or it includes other cases (e.g. when we transfer the Revit Cloud Worksharing model through Autodesk Desktop Connector to BIM360 project?)

Thank you


  • @XiaodongLiang answered my question in comments:

    I am told if what you meant 'transfer the RCW file through Autodesk Deskop Connector' is 'put a file to local work sharing folder, then sync to BIM360 folder by Desktop Connector', then yes, the event model.publish is not triggered because it is not a cloud model. model.publish” event is specific to RCM/RCW-based cloud models, and only raised when the model is published from RCM Services to BIM 360 Docs