
SwiftUI - Dynamic list of buttons in ActionSheet

I need to generate a dynamic list of buttons in an ActionSheet. Say I have an array of options ["Option1", "Option2"], how can I achieve this?

.actionSheet(isPresented: self.$showSheet, content: {
        ActionSheet(title: Text("Select an option"), buttons: [
            .default(Text("Option1")){self.option = 1},
            .default(Text("Option2")){self.option = 2},
            .default(Text("Option3")){self.option = 3},
            .default(Text("Option4")){self.option = 4},


  • Here is possible solution.

    Update: Xcode 13.3 / iOS 15.4

    Now actionSheet is replaced with confirmationDialog which accepts view builder, so now it is just doable inside, like

    .confirmationDialog("", isPresented: $showSheet) {
        ForEach(currentOptions.indices, id: \.self) { i in
            Button(currentOptions[i]) { self.option = i + 1 }


    Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4

    having helper function

    func generateActionSheet(options: [String]) -> ActionSheet {
        let buttons = options.enumerated().map { i, option in
            Alert.Button.default(Text(option), action: { self.option = i + 1 } )
        return ActionSheet(title: Text("Select an option"), 
                   buttons: buttons + [Alert.Button.cancel()])

    you then can use

    .actionSheet(isPresented: self.$showSheet, content: {
       // assuming you have `currentOptions` (or similar) property for dynamic
       // options
       self.generateActionSheet(options: self.currentOptions)