Pretty simple question - I have searched but not found an answer to this question.
It might be a bit silly to do this but I was curious if it is possible to hook into the print(*arg, **kwarg)
function of python 3.X and override it / add time.sleep(var)
at the end of the invoke.
Of course I could just def another method and wrap it with a time.sleep(var)
but I was just curious how one would go about overriding the pre-built functions.
If you want to patch any function globally, e.g. for testing / debugging purposes, the safest way is to use unittest.mock.patch()
def x():
'''the code under test'''
print('Hello, world!')
from unittest.mock import patch
orig_print = print
with patch('builtins.print') as m:
def my_print(*args, **kwargs):
orig_print('PATCHED:', *args, **kwargs)
m.side_effect = my_print
x() # prints 'PATCHED: Hello, world!'
# prints 'Hello, world!', because the patch context is exited
# and the original function is restored: