
VSCode Terminal suggestions not autocompleted

VSCode's PowerShell Terminal now offers a kind of suggestion in gray of what you might be wanting to type (presumably from the history?):

enter image description here

But there seems to be no way to actually accept the suggestion: pressing tab just does the normal PowerShell autocomplete (usually of a cmdlet or path).

What is this feature and how can I "tab" to autocomplete the command tantalisingly shown?

UPDATE: Just pressing right arrow on the keyboard does the autocompletion.


  • For me it was Shift + RightArrow.

    If you have EditMode VI enabled, then make sure to define whatever key combination you would like to use for this to SelectForwardChar. To set SelectForwardChar to Shift + RightArrow insert the following line of code into your VSCode PowerShell Profile:

    Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Shift+RightArrow -Function SelectForwardChar